What is a Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment is a treatment done to repair and save a damaged or infected tooth.

A root canal treatment may be done by a general dentist or an endodontist.

Endodontists are dentists who specialize in root canal treatments, retreatments, endodontic regenerative procedures and microsurgeries.

A root canal treatment may take one or more than one visit as some teeth may have complicated root canals. Complicated root canals may be curved or calcified.


Your dentist will take x-rays during the course of the root canal treatment.

You will receive a local anesthetic for pain control during the procedure. You will feel numb in the area of the tooth that needs treatment.

A sheet known as a rubber dam may be applied to isolate the tooth. The isolation helps to keep the tooth clean and free from saliva.

Once you are numb, the dentist will start the procedure. He will use high speed drilling instruments, hand instruments and other root canal treatment instruments to complete this procedure.

The dentist drills into your tooth to gain access into the pulp chamber. He then removes the decay and the infected tissues. He further cleans and disinfects the root canals. Finally your dentist would pack your root canals with a permanent root canal filling material. A filling material is then placed on the tooth to seal it.


You are allowed to drive if you are only administered a local anesthetic for the root canal treatment. However, this may change if you are on any other medications that may interfere with driving.

If you feel that your mouth opening is restricted, you can always request a bite block. The bite block supports mouth opening.

It is normal to experience mild symptoms such as localized pain and discomfort after the root canal treatment. It may take a few days for complete recovery from the procedure.

Let your dentist know if you are anxious in regards to the procedure. They have reliable options to ease your nervousness.

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Author: Teeth Talk with Dr. Nissy

All about teeth :)

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